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A Billion Lives – Documentary, highlights a conspiracy against vaping

A Billion Lives

courtesy of:

  • Director Aaron Biebert
  • Stars David Goerlitz, Clive Bates, Attila Danko, Delon Human, Oliver Kershaw

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for convenience I have added a short trailer of the documentary:

Trailer of “A Billion Lives” Documentary

This eye opening documentary details “the worldwide drive against Vaping,” driven by biased big business, Pro tobacco and pharmaceutical lobbyists, governments, affected “non profit organizations” and affected “non government organizations,”

driven by the perceived threat to losses in their respective revenues.

Review: ‘A Billion Lives’ Claims There’s a Conspiracy Against Vaping

“A Billion Lives” is the kind of documentary that seeks to get you all worked up about an injustice but leaves you feeling as if there were nothing you could do about it. It’s also the kind of documentary that asks you to accept one set of experts’ version of things and reject another’s, when you suspect that disinterested parties are probably rare on either side.

A preview of the film.

By ATTENTION ERA MEDIA LLC on Publish DateOctober 27, 2016. Image courtesy of Internet Video Archive. Watch in Times Video »

The film, by Aaron Biebert, promotes vaping and e-cigarettes as tools for helping smokers who want to quit. Its title is said to refer to one projection of how many lives will be lost in this century because of smoking.

Mr. Biebert employs the standard documentary format — talking-head experts mixed with personal stories — to explain why vaping is safer than cigarettes and to sketch a vast conspiracy that keeps these products inaccessible and, in some places, illegal. The tobacco industry, of course, is his conspirator in chief, since it doesn’t want its profits cut, but the players also include governments, medical professionals with a vested interest in smoking-cessation prescription products, even anti-cancer charities.

It’s a net broadly cast and woven of implications rather than of indisputable evidence, but — especially given the tobacco industry’s credibility problems — you’ll probably be inclined to think there’s some truth to the film’s allegations. And certainly you’ll feel for the smokers who testify movingly of being eager to try anything that might help them shake their habit. The film, though, doesn’t have any suggestions as to what the average viewer might do to help break the supposed conspirators’ blockade.

” There’s definitely a Conspiracy Against Vaping”


The associated full Documentary/Video is also available on iTunes, App Store, Google play, Amazon and Android TV

and recently released follow on editiorial made available on Facebook courtesy of “A Billion Lives”

please refer to active version supplied courtesy of

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